Reply To: The First Land Deal pt. 1

Home Forums The Colonial Era The First Land Deal pt. 1 Reply To: The First Land Deal pt. 1


    Thanks for your comment, which reminds me to add to please keep in mind I am only writing very specifically about the northwest Bronx and our hyper-local history.  This area’s history cannot be generalized to serve as a microcosm of U.S. history.  The Dutch West India Company had different aspirations than Queen Isabella just as New Netherland colonists were a much different group than New Englanders.  I would highly recommend Russell Shorto’s “Island at the Center of the World” to learn more about the Dutch colony and Adriaen van der Donck as a figure.  Honestly, it is one of the best history books I have ever read.  If we could afford Russell Shorto’s speaking fees, I would love to have him give a talk to the KHS–if Covid 19 ever ends.  It is such fascinating history and so few people know it mostly because previous historians just assumed the Dutch period was largely irrelevant.  Another amazing book is “First Manhattans” by Robert Grumet.  His research on the Munsee during the colonial period is unbelievably deep and answered so many questions I had about the area’s native people.  Grumet has also done tremendous research on the Munsee names for places in The Bronx and in the greater New York area.  Much of what I learned, comes from Grumet.